Upgrading AngularJS Apps

Reid Villeneuve


Don't jump into this blindly!


Where are you now?

  • Build Process?
  • Module loader, if any?
  • Developer resources?
  • Business interest?


Where do you want to be?

  • TypeScript / Dart / ES6? ES5??? ಠ_ಠ
  • Angular CLI?
  • Async/Await or embrace Observables?
  • Gloat that you upgraded?

First Steps

Set yourself up for success

Immediate code considerations

Get the latest version of AngularJS

Side-by-side: AngularJS and Angular components

They are very syntactically similar so can help with the upgrade.

  .component('appDoSomeMath', function () {
    return {
      template: '

{{ $ctrl.num }} + 1 = {{ $ctrl.addedNum }}

', bindings: { num: '@' }, controller: doSomeMath }; function doSomeMath () { this.$onInit = function () { this.addedNum = this.num + 1; } } });
  selector: 'app-do-some-math',
  template: '

{{ num }} + 1 = {{ addedNum }}

' }) export class DoSomeMathComponent { @input() numberToAddOneTo: Number; ngOnInit () { this.addedNumber = this.numberToAddOneTo + 1; } }

JavaScript to TypeScript

DEMO: JavaScript to TypeScript

This will be super-duper complicated

You have no idea what I am about to do.

Build Process

Consider the "Planning" step and figure out your build process

If you have no idea where to start with this, consider this exercise: "If I just mass-converted to typescript, where could I fit the typescript compilation step in there with what I have?"

Start using a module loader

Webpack is pretty "in" right now, and for good reason.

It's also what the Angular CLI uses, so keep that in mind if you would like to eventually start using it.


The Angular team has your back!

Incrementally upgrade your app by simultaneously loading both frameworks.

Upgrading / Downgrading

Upgrade: AngularJS to Angular

e.g. an AngularJS service consumed by an Angular component. You are "upgrading" the AngularJS service to be compatible with the Angular consumer.

Downgrade: Angular to AngularJS

e.g. an Angular component within an AngularJS module. You are "downgrading" the Angular component to be compatible with the AngularJS module.
  selector: 'app-do-some-math',
  template: '

{{ num }} + 1 = {{ addedNum }}

' }) export class DoSomeMathComponent { @input() numberToAddOneTo: Number; ngOnInit () { this.addedNumber = this.numberToAddOneTo + 1; } } /////////////////// import { DoSomeMathComponent } from './do-some-math.component'; import { downgradeComponent } from '@angular/upgrade/static'; angular.module('veryComplicatedApp') .component( 'appDoSomeMath', downgradeComponent({ component: DoSomeMathComponent }) as angular.IDirectiveFactory );
Remember to add the component to your module's declarations array.

Other considerations

In the spirit of BrieBug CEO Jessie's original "Transitioning to Angular 2" series, we will go over a few more things in the...

DEMO: Converting John Papa's Hot Towel

See the video here.

DEMO: Converting John Papa's Hot Towel

Where are we now?

  • Very functional (and massive) gulpfile
  • 'vet' gulp task can no longer be valid
  • Should we include gulp-typescript or run tsc?
  • Pretty good amount of abstraction in common pain points (e.g. routerHelper)

DEMO: Converting John Papa's Hot Towel

Where do we want to be?

  • Aim to be as close to the guide as possible
  • Remove gulp as the build driver (Angular CLI as a replacement)
  • Gloat that we upgraded!

DEMO: Converting John Papa's Hot Towel

A look at an in-progress upgrade

  • Right after JS to TS conversion
  • Angular service being used by an Angular component
  • Angular component nested within AngularJS directives

DEMO: Converting John Papa's Hot Towel


  • Pay attention to version numbers and their corresponding documentation!
  • systemjs-angular-loader.js - This is in the Quickstart project that is linked in the guide, and it must be downloaded if approaching the Angular installation this way.
  • The guide-provided tsconfig.json required some tweaking


This is also a recommended reading list!